Communicable Disease

Bad environment, can lead to easy transmission of various diseases. The seeds of the disease will easily grow in an unhealthy environment. Therefore, we must always keep our environment clean.

Many animals can mediate infectious diseases. For example mosquitoes, flies, rats, chickens, ducks, birds, and others.

Here are some examples of infectious diseases that can be caused by poor environmental conditions.

1. Malaria

Symptoms of malaria:
a. Fever and chills
b. Body pale and dizzy head
c. Weak body and taste in the mouth

Mode of transmission:
a. Through the bite of Anopheles mosquitoes (malaria mosquito)
b. Through a blood transfusion containing the germs of malaria
c. Transmitted by mothers to their children suffering from malaria
d. These germs live in the body, especially in the mosquito salivary glands and also in the human body

Preventive measures:
a. cleaning the environment
b. Not making a puddle of water that could become mosquito breeding
c. Avoiding mosquito bites

2. Dengue Fever
Dengue fever caused by dengue virus (dengue haemorhagicfever). These germs grow in the mosquito Aedes aegepty.

Symptoms of Dengue fever:
a. Sudden fever for two to seven days continuously.
b. Of weakness, pain in the gut, or in the abdomen.
c. On the third day arose red spots on the skin.
d. Nose bleeds from the mouth or nose.
e. Gum bleeding and vomiting blood.

Mode of transmission:
a. Through the bite of Anopheles mosquitoes (malaria mosquito)
b. Through a blood transfusion containing the germs of malaria
c. Transmitted by mothers to their children suffering from malaria
d. These germs live in the body, especially in the mosquito salivary glands and also in the human body

Preventive measures:
a. cleaning the environment
b. Not making a puddle of water that could become mosquito breeding
c. Avoiding mosquito bites

3. Bird flu/Avian Flu
Bird Flu is a disease caused by influenza viruses that attack the bird / poultry / chicken. The virus that causes the disease known as H5N1 virus (H = Haemagglutinin, N = Neuramidase). This virus not only be transmitted from bird to bird, but also from birds to humans.

The bird flu virus will die in high temperatures. Thus, meat and eggs must be well cooked to avoid infection.

Symptoms of bird flu:
a. Body heat more than 38 degrees Celsius
b. cough
c. sore throat
d. respiratory complaints

Mode of transmission:
a. Inhalation of air containing the H5N1 virus.
b. Contact with poultry infected with bird flu.

How to prevent:
a. Avoid direct contact with poultry of any kind.
b. Did not keep poultry in nearby settlements.
c. Wash hands with soap and water after contact with poultry.
d. Livestock should be far from the settlements, to reduce the risk of transmission.

4. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a disease characterized by the patient experienced frequent bowel movements. Usually the patient has a bowel movement more than four times a day. Diarrhea is often caused the death of a toddler attacked.

symptoms of diarrhea
a. Frequent bowel movements
b. Experienced continuous vomiting
c. Great thirst arises.
d. Unable to drink or eat
e. high fever
f. There is blood in the stool.

Mode of transmission:
The disease is transmitted through food and beverages are exposed to germs diarrhea. Direct transmission can also occur if the hand that used to eat contain germs of diarrhea.

Preventive measures:
a. Always wash hands with soap before eating.
b. Always eat clean food.
c. When stricken with diarrhea, immediately drink ORS.

So are some examples of infectious diseases caused if we do not maintain good environmental hygiene. Therefore, we must maintain our environment in order to stay clean and kits can be protected from various diseases.

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